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2 min read
CropBioLife's Sugarcane Trials in India: Setting a New Standard in Organic Farming
CropBioLife, with over a decade's worth of rigorous field trials and underpinned by its unique flavonoid blend, has once again...

2 min read
CropBioLife Enters Strategic Partnership with DeHaat Driving Sustainable Agriculture in India
Aussan Laboratories, parent of CropBioLife, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with DeHaat, an innovative Indian...

4 min read
Increasing Nutrient Density and Enhancing Flavour in Fruits and Crops
Flavonoids play a pivotal role in enhancing both the nutrient density and flavour of fruits and crops. By understanding and manipulating...

2 min read
Harnessing Flavonoids to Boost Plant Resistance to Pests
In the intricate world of plant physiology, flavonoids, a diverse group of plant secondary metabolites, have emerged as key factors in...

2 min read
Harnessing the Power of Flavonoids for Enhanced Crop Health: Spotlight on Citrus Trees
Citrus trees are integral to the agricultural industry, producing a variety of fruits enjoyed worldwide. However, these trees often face...

2 min read
CropBioLife Certified as Organic Input in India
We are thrilled to announce that CropBioLife has received approval to be sold as a certified organic input for agriculture in India.

4 min read
Carbon and Nitrogen Ratio of The Soil
Carbon and Nitrogen are two of the most essential elemental components of healthy soil. In soil ecosystems, they interact intimately with...

2 min read
Recent Study Published: CropBioLife's effect on photosynthesis, CO2 fixation and overall growth.
A recent study published at MDPI showcasing CropBioLife's effect on photosynthesis, CO2 fixation and overall plant growth.

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