Trusted solution for plant and soil health //
ভারত পেঁয়াজ ট্রায়াল এবং প্রশংসাপত্র
ভিডিও প্রশংসাপত্র
* প্রশংসাপত্র হিন্দিতে বলা হয়
CropBioLife পেঁয়াজ ট্রায়াল উপস্থাপনা
The onion trial demonstrated significant improvements in various aspects of onion growth and yield for the treated plants. Notably, there was a 13.59% increase in bulb diameter, a 34% increase in onion yield, and a 34% increase in onion weight for the CropBioLife treated crop.
One of the key findings from the trial was the difference in disease resistance between the untreated and treated plots. The untreated plot experienced Leaf Blotch and Leaf Blight disease, while the CropBioLife treated crop remained disease-free. Furthermore, the treated crop exhibited a much more lush and dark green leaf color, indicating a healthier and more robust plant.
The trial also revealed the positive impact of CropBioLife on soil health, with increased levels of soil organic carbon observed in the treated plot. These impressive results can be attributed to the flavonoids in CropBioLife, which bolster stress tolerance, enhance photosynthesis efficiency, and promote overall plant health. The outcome is stronger, more resilient onion plants with higher yields and better-quality produce, as well as improved soil health.