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Trusted solution for plant and soil health    //


Hemp & Cannabis

Our Hemp & Cannabis growers have seen remarkable returns on their investment, using CropBioLife.

Growing your Hemp & Cannabis with CropBioLife

CropBioLife increases a plant’s ability to absorb nutrients, improving the overall health of plants. Increased nutrient uptake has been shown to support a variety of benefits such as:

  • Increased levels of CBD and THC compounds in Cannabis.

  • Increase in vegetative growth leading to higher bud yield per plant.

  • Prolific bud initiation with dense flower clusters.

  • Higher mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, with dense roots.

  • Increase in photosynthetic activity boosting the plants energy for cell creation and improved immune system.

  • Presence of natural plant flavonoids in CropBioLife helps plants to fight against allelochemicals and promote terpene levels in flower buds.

  • Significant boost to health and value of hemp & cannabis crops.

Boost the health and value of your crop with CropBioLife.

CropBioLife supports the way your plant absorbs and utilises nutrients, assisting plants to do what they do best. The result of greater nutrient uptake is a healthier plant, which results in an increased yield and overall value of your crops by getting out more than you put in.

With CropBioLife your crop’s ability to uptake nutrients, its ability to photosynthesise more efficiently is supported.

Visit DOWNLOADS for more information and flyers

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