Trusted solution for plant and soil health //

What is CropBioLife?
The science behind the world's most effective plant nutrient synergist.
CropBioLife increases return on investment & reduces operational costs
Keeps growth on track by quickly filling nutrient deficiencies through booster nutrient uptake.
The result of improved nutrient uptake maximises soil health by helping regenerate the soil through stimulation of the active biology around the roots.
Greater nutrient uptake speeds up your grow by improving early growth of new plantings. (particularly trees and vines).
Reduced harvest cost by improving flowering, bud retention, and early, even ripening thanks to increased nutrient uptake.
CropBioLife has a tremendous effect on the health of plants and supports healthier soils.
CropBioLife's ability to improve your plant’s ability to uptake nutrients improves the health of your plant or crop, which comes with a wonderful set of ancillary benefits including:
Improved colour.
Improved root health, nodulation, & exudation.
Improved soil biology.
Better fruit set.
Higher BRIX levels.
Improved resistance to UV-B stress.
Improved resistance to climate stress.
Supports photosynthesis efficiency.

Shaping the Future of Agriculture

CropBioLife is a foliar spray containing naturally occurring flavonoids that boosts nutrient uptake and improves overall crop health.
A healthier plant is more resistant to the elements and disease and has better nutrient cycling. Healthy crops also have improved root development and symbiosis with soil biology leading to, increased carbon sequestration. With improved nutrient uptake and efficiency you can expect higher yields, better quality and more flavour from the crop. Nutrition is the cornerstone of crop health. Get it right and reap the reward no matter the crop type.
CropBioLife is a tool that growers can easily integrate into their spray programs to significantly improve their bottom line.
CropBioLife is 100% natural and blends easily with most water based foliar fertilisers. With a built-in wetting agent, extracted from cactus, CropBioLife save money by eliminating the use of a wetter when applying foliar products.
Another added advantage of CropBioLife is that improving nutrient uptake improves plant defences. In the simplest form, leaf brix is increased through higher glucose production. High leaf BRIX are naturally resistant to insect and disease attack. CropBioLife is commonly applied with some fungicides and insecticides to assist which their efficacy.
How does CropBioLife work?
In essence, the flavonoids in CropBioLife trigger nutrient cycling in the plant that is otherwise sitting dormant or not working to its natural potential. Think for a minute about plant evolution. Plants did not evolve to grow in rows in a field and be fed artificial nutrients.
Most crops we grow today are grown in a completely different climate than their ancestors. Weaning them to grow, as we do, commercially means most crops are not at their nutrient cycling potential. CropBioLife, by increasing nutrient absorption, overall plant health is strengthened, leading to improved crop productivity and resilience.
For more than 15 years, CropBioLife has been supporting grower’s globally to improve their return on the investments in their farms by enhancing nutrient uptake in plants.

What makes CropBioLife different from other foliar sprays?
100% Harmful Chemical Free
The flavonoids in CropBioLife are 100% naturally occurring, extracted from the pulp of citrus, which is one of the highest sources of flavonoids found in the plant kingdom.
CropBioLife is validated as “natural” by our approval for organic production in many countries around the world.
Certified Organic
CropBioLife’s flavonoid-based formula enhances nutrient uptake, improving root growth, soil biology, and overall plant health. Increased nutrient absorption supports resilience to stress, enhances photosynthesis, and promotes stronger, more productive crops—all with organic input certified ingredients safe for people, animals, and the environment.
Good for Us, Good for the Envionment
Using CropBioLife, you can improve the health of your plants through greater nutrient uptake with absolutely no harm to the ecosystem.
With improved health of your plant, it is often able to extract more CO2 from the atmosphere, we hope to use CropBioLife to help reduce the impact of climate change on our planet.
Proudly Made in Australia
We are proud to manufacture everything in Melbourne, Australia - this allows us to ensure that all of our manufacturing is carried out to the highest world standards of quality and efficiency.